21 Tidbits About My Husband, Guy!

It takes two to tango around here. You friends have gotten to know me a lot over the years. I share here on the blog as often as I can—which is not as often as I want, newborn baby and all, though he’s really the best of excuses. Still, you friends know quite a bit about me. It occurred to me this week that you probably don’t know that much about my husband, Guy. So why not introduce you to him a little bit! After all, he’s the Father of Knights as much as I am the Mother of Knights, right?

Here are 21 Tidbits About Guy:

1) He grew up in San Diego, CA—and still wants to move us there someday.
2) He’s Italian. I had no idea what his ethnicity was when I first met him. “Lia,” I wondered. Where in the world is the origin of “Lia?” Of course "lia" is the end of "Italia." Should have known. 
3) His favorite sport is rugby and we often “debate” whether our boys will play someday. (They won’t. Ha!) 
4) He was raised in a Christian home and went forward for an altar call at the age of 7. 
5) Romans is his favorite book of the Bible.

He always told me he wanted his own rugby team. He was serious. I think we need to keep it to a team of four though...

6) Guy was 35 when we got married. He robbed the cradle. 
7) He’s not done growing our family. On our first date, he talked about adopting kids someday and he still has that desire. 
8) Guess what? He’s an extrovert. If there is someplace to go or something to do, he’s chomping at the bit to get to it. 
9) His parents are both in Heaven. I never got to meet his wonderful dad who passed away when Guy was just barely out of college. I picture mom and dad spending lots of time with our twins, keeping one another company till we get there!
10) Guy is super athletic—great at lots of sports! He’s always up to play with our four little dudes.

Guy is my partner in both work and life!

11) He’s a great cook! Guy cooks a lot at our house. When we were dating, he made us gourmet pizzas on a regular basis and it’s still our favorite meal to share together on nights after the kids are in bed and we eat late while watching a movie. 
12) He lived in Europe and studied abroad (just like I did). He backpacked solo for many months and went wherever the wind took him. He’s an adventurer through and through.
13) My hubby is the tubby master. He’s the best at making bath time fun and helping with the bedtime routine. 
14) Guy loves to surprise me! If only I liked surprises……
15) His dream car is a fully loaded Jeep—that’s the adventurer in him again!

Guy is always up for any and every adventure, especially if it involves making his boys happy!

Guy is the best dad.....

Ummm.....pizza! He totally wooed me with his culinary skills. Still does. 

16) He loves the beach but dreams about living in the mountains.
17) Guy gives me a foot massage every night. I know. #spoiled
18) He snores. 
19) He’s extremely generous towards giving me time to myself. If I want to go out with friends, attend a conference, run out for errands, whatever I want to do--whether big or small, if he can accommodate and take the kids, he will. And he never complains about it.  
20) He works in the entertainment industry. It’s one tough business but I admire his tenacity to keep making his dreams happen and follow his God-given calling. 

21) He loves me. Can you believe it? After all I put him through, he never wavers in his love for me. I’m one blessed woman! Now if we could just work on that snoring….

There you have it! I hope this gives you a little bit of a better picture of my other half! 

YOUR TURN! Does your husband have anything in common with mine? I’d love to hear about your spouse too, so tell me something fun about them!
