The #1 Reason You Quit Reading Your One-Year-Bible: How To Fight Back!

The #1 Reason You Stop Reading Your One-Year-Bible How To Fight Back!.jpg.jpg

The biggest danger of making a New Year's Resolution to read through the Bible in a year happens to many well-meaning moms. You start out with a bang, get through January....part of February...and then you miss a day. So you scramble to read two days the next day and before you know it, the thought of trying to catch up by reading 15 pages of your Bible causes you to QUIT. And quitting is the most dangerous aspect of reading through the Bible.

Been there, done that. Those of us who have quit, usually stopped reading because of a wrong assumption-the assumption that the calendar rules our reading plan. Today, I'm here to set you free!

I often get emails from readers who say that they wish they had a more dynamic or steadfast relationship with God. I can relate-I'm never quite satisfied with my walk either.

But what if you really could be more peaceful? What if you really were content? What if you really did feel wise and discerning when it comes to parenting? What if you really did trust God's path for you?

I believe you can and should. But it won't happen unless you are listening to God and actively, purposefully, spending time with Him.

For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Hebrews 4:12

So here's my secret: I read my One Year Bible, but I take up to TWO years to do it!

For the last 14 years, I have read my NIV One Year Bible (which has a reading portion from the New Testament, Old Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs for each day) I am not a big promoter of doing something every day that can become more of a burden than a blessing. I know that people start out strong, miss a day or two, and give up. Don't do that! Satan doesn't want you to keep reading your Bible, and he uses something as trivial as a calendar to guilt us into quitting. Not a fair tactic, so fight back!

So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ. Romans 10:17

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Psalm 119:105

In this stage of my life-working from home, carting kids to school, keeping up with mountains of laundry-I am not able to read my Bible selection every day-but I always make time to read a verse or two, work on my memorization, and read at least one brief devotional. And truth be told, from 2000-2006, I was getting through my Bible in one year or maybe a year and a half but that slowed way down with the addition of kids!

The point is, that I don't fold under the pressure of missing a day because life happens. I released myself from the “calendar” portion and simply use my bookmark to take me through the Bible.

This week, I completed my One Year Bible reading for about the 9th or 10th time since 2000.

This year I am excited to try something new! I have had my eye on The Chronological Study Bible for a long time now and I'm looking forward to a change. Thomas Nelson even has a built-in Two-Year-Reading Plan for this one!

As a mom, sometimes I feel like my brain is slowing down-I'm not stretching my learning-so the fact that I get to read the study notes about the culture, maps, history, and world events of different periods of the Bible is a welcome change! When I was in college, I took many Bible courses and enjoyed them-but I'm rusty when it comes to remembering all the historical, geographical, and cultural details that will deepen my understanding of God's plan!

If there was one thing that I would encourage you to do to change your life from the inside out, it would be to take on the joy of reading through the Bible. Don't get caught up in the idea that you have to rise early before the sun to have your quiet time either-read my post, When Moms Feel Guilty For Not Sticking To Devotions, and be encouraged to find your own niche.

There are tons of plans online that you can access that break down the books of the Bible for you, or you can purchase a Bible like I did for your reading time with all the portions already divided.

Do what works for you! But do it. Start right away-it's okay to start January in March!

So what do you think? Are you ready to take your Bible reading seriously? Join me!

This post has affiliate links, and when you purchase a Bible through those links, you also help support the ministry of Mother Of Knights-thank you!

YOUR TURN! Have you ever started a Bible reading plan and then quit? Is the idea of starting in March or April, and throwing out the calendar encouraging to you? 

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