Moms, Don't Let Robert Frost Seduce You

Moms, Don't Let Robert Frost Seduce You

I see us moms lining up beside Robert Frost in the snow, staring out into the lovely dark and deep, contemplating.

It happens in the moment we approach the farmhouse sink filled to the brim and just before we plunge our hands into the soapy water we glance out the window and pause. Inside we are warm and the constant din of children’s voices and the washing machine become a drone that lulls our minds to sleep. We stare out across the world and wonder if Mr. Frost’s seduction is worth it.

Like the poet, we have miles to go before we sleep. And promises to keep. Despite the bags under our eyes and our aching backs, it’s a promise to steward. A promise to love. A promise to serve. A promise to persevere. Gathering the baskets of clothes and tossing them in over the rim, whisking the eggs for morning mouths, lining up the Star Wars backpacks, and scrubbing teeth while shoving on socks are enough to make you go numb from the routine of it all. And you become immune to their faces.

The snow drifts beckon with their calm and their promises of rest threaten to undermine your own promises to cherish.

It’s just one foot down in front of the other. Resignation drove Mr. Frost onward but may it not be true of you, Christian mother. Don’t look past the innocent eyes of your babes and forget to nurture. Your list of “to do’s” can make you comatose but there is a lifeline of the Word to invigorate your tired life and bring fullness of joy. His horse’s harness bells alerted Mr. Frost to keep going but we have something better. The gong of the Holy Spirit resounds in our hearts and we remember that it is not only the woods that are lovely.

The dark is no comparison for the light in our windows that lead them home. The hearth of the home is a mother’s heart. May it overflow with purpose in the process of the daily grind. Don’t grow weary in your well-doing because obligation is not a dirty word. Keep going. You aren’t the only one with promises to keep. God is keeping His promises too. Promises to give you everything you need for life and godliness. Promises for a hope and promises for a future.

Wash and feed and clean and sleep. And cherish each promise that you keep.

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9

Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening

YOUR TURN! How do you keep from growing weary as you serve your family? What gives you joy as a parent and keeps you going?

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