One Laundry Basket At A Time

One Laundry Basket At A Time

I have to fill up so I can pour out. So I open The Word and I read a portion, every time with the question, “What does this say about God?” And another. “What does this say about how God views me?” And then a third. “How does this fit into my today-my current circumstance.

And I consider. What's the point, anyway?

To please God.

To love Him. To love others.

And then a million different ways flood my mind and a special few take root in my heart. Today's may be-serve your son. Stop dawdling and do the laundry.

Because I read it-that God made Himself a servant. He humbled Himself and became nothing. Even to the point of death on a cross.

God is a servant. He conquered when He stooped. Jesus, The Anti-Hero.

God is love. He came low for ME. I'm special. Cherished.

So I get up, full and ready to serve. I'm prepared to pour.

The reality comes and as I serve, I'm treated like a servant. My reaction reveals what's really inside. Suddenly, another question surfaces, “How dare you?”, and I have to be honest. I'm okay with being a servant as long as someone doesn't treat me like one.

The hard truth of my pride rolls around like an uncomfortable bur inside my heart and the only way to remove it is to come again to the Truth and wash it away with the Word and to pray for change.

I take a little longer to look into His face and there is no condemnation there. Only love. By faith, I trust He will change me.

As I fold the pants and iron the shirts, it's an act of worship. It's a symbol of understanding Who God is, what He thinks about me, and the evidence that I'm right where I am supposed to be today. The swelling sea of socks reminds me that what I'm doing honors God and that serving others is no small sacrifice.

I please God. I love others. And the world changes for good, one laundry basket at a time.

Who, being in very natureGod, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man,he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death—even death on a cross! Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, Philippians 2:6-9

YOUR TURN! What is the hardest part about serving others for you? Feeling like you are being treated like a servant? Lack of motivation? What inspires you to serve?

Make a difference and help us change the culture in Hollywood. We are making a feature film based on the true story of Kristen Jane Anderson's failed suicide attempt and how God redeemed her life for good. It's a message of hope for the hurting and for those who love them. Watch, and please, consider giving!

Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name give glory. Psalm 115:1

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