Become A New You Today!

Become A NEW YOU Today!

What if today you had an opportunity to become a New You? Would you take it?

What if today, you could become more patient? Would you be interested in that?

What if today, you could be more compassionate? Would you decide to take it in?

What if today, you could be wiser? Would you sign up for a bit more of that?

What if today, you could fulfill part of the God-Sized Dream that God has for your life? Would you say yes?

Well then, I have very good news for you! Today. This very day. YOU can become a New YOU. A you that is not only more patient, compassionate, wise, and fulfilled, but a new you that is more gentle, loving, effective, forgiving, and so much more! Here’s how:

Spend time with God, and ask in prayer.

Sounds too simple doesn’t it? Almost unbelievable.

I can pray this because his divine power has bestowed on us everything necessary for life and godliness through the rich knowledge of the one who called us by his own glory and excellence. 2 Peter 1:3

If you know Jesus, then you, my friend, this moment, have the power through Him to have life and godliness. Christ in YOU has created a New You! And so it’s all about HIM! On our own, we will always fail. But taking time to be with God, ask Him to help us take hold of all He has already equipped us to be, and then being available to Him can radically change us.

You are able to call on the Holy Spirit who promises to help you and change you in every moment, trial, obstacle, or opportunity that comes to you today.

As believers, precious in God’s sight, He longs to spend time with us. We can enjoy God by taking time away from it all, even 10 minutes, to stop, calm our minds, and meditate on even one verse. We can pray and ask God to make 2 Peter 1:3 real in our lives.

May today be the day that you rediscover that you have a remarkable God, an endless resource for good in your life, and may that knowledge lead you to worship your ever-present and loving Savior. YOUR TURN! I have my time with God in the afternoon when my kids nap-what works for you? What areas have you been struggling in that you know God can change? How has spending time with God transformed you? I love to hear from you!!!

Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name give glory. Psalm 115:1

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