What About YOU Wednesday?!


I have always been a people person! For me, there is nothing better than hosting a small gathering where I can make people feel comfortable and get to know them a little bit better. When I sit down at my computer to write on the blog, I am envisioning all of you and mentally inviting you in for a chat. The only problem is that the cyber-world is a little cold-so I’m inviting you in with the hope that I can get to know you a little bit better today!

I’m asking you 3 questions so feel free to answer all of them or any 1 of them! I’ll start!

1.) What is your favorite piece of common sense?

My family will be quick to tell you it’s this saying, “You don’t get what you don’t ask for!” It’s been a favorite bit of practical advice and common sense that has served me well over the years. The hard part is mustering up the courage to ask in the first place, but you just never know-you may get exactly what you needed by simply squeaking out the request! I almost always get extra coupons given to me by the clerks at stores during big sale events, just because I asked!

2.) Do you prefer fiction or non-fiction? What’s on your reading list right now?

Okay, so that’s 2 questions in 1, I know! J I’m an avid reader and it would be hard for me to choose one genre over the other, but I do love a great piece of fiction. My favorite of all time is Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre! On the other hand, I have gained a wealth of personal enrichment from the many non-fiction books I have devoured over the years. At the moment, I’m about to begin reading Lou Priolo’s The Heart of Anger!

3.) Do you prefer the country or the city?

My family was raised in the big city, so my husband and I moved to San Luis Obispo on the Central California Coast, population 35,000, about 2 and a half years ago. We loved seeing cows ramble down the road, feeding our neighbor’s chickens, and a short drive to rustic beaches! The perfectly moderate weather was unbeatable as well! We moved back to the big city for work recently, and although I miss the “country” I have discovered that I am, indeed, a city girl. The array of concerts, museums, culture, and…shopping, there, I admit it, are great to experience regularly!

Your turn! It’s a privilege for me to learn more about you!

Here is a verse to meditate on today: Deuteronomy 7:9, "Know therefore that the Lord you God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commands."

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Life By Design, A TV Project:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJXJq4-2YDE