what are you longing for?


That thing they wanted, it’s lying on the floor in a dark corner forgotten. And yet, at the time, it produced a longing so intense that the waiting for the money to be earned to buy it was nearly torture. The absolute delight, once in hand, was a joy to see. Yet, there it is, a month gone by and it’s only one of many things.

I’m no different. I can number the years past by things longed for, some of them very meaningful and well-loved, but now, only pleasant memories. For both my child, and for me, there are new things we want. More, always more.

Not only for things, but also for situations, or places, or positions. Something else to do, to have, to become. Never satisfied. It takes a different mindset, for us as believers to like Paul, come to the knowledge that contentment is a learned thing. To be content in any circumstance, with little, with much. Because the truth of the matter is that contentment is in Christ alone. It’s in knowing that He made the world and all that is in it, that we are bought with a loving price, and that we have the beauty of creation all around us whispering to our souls what heaven will be like. No material possession, no state of marriage, no scenic vacation, nor job security or dream fulfilled will ever be enough.

Do you realize that if you have Christ, pure and total contentment is yours for the taking this very moment, no matter what your circumstance? Consider then that He is enough and rest satisfied in the gift of now.

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