Worn Out and Impatient


It can feel like wading through a vat of honey, in a hurry and getting nowhere. This immense void of energy that hangs on for days and tempts you to lose your joy. It’s the problem of fatigue and it can overwhelm. As mothers, we probably feel this more often than not, especially when our kids are very young. And the real danger is how it can affect our minds, causing us to be unmotivated, quick to anger, easily discouraged, and full of impatience. The logical solution of course is several nights of deep sleep, healthy eating, lengthy devotional times, and regular exercise. I know, not so easy to come by huh? So what’s a mom to do when the night was long, the demands close in, and we become impatient?

We choose. We choose to set our minds on things above. We choose to remember that God has been infinitely patient with US and we can be infinitely patient with our children. We choose to sit down, close our eyes and say, “Lord, you are patient with me-help me be patient with my kids”. And then we slow down, take a deep breath and exhale patience into the people who matter most to us. It really is a choice, one that honors God and ultimately, creates the rest for our weary spirits we are seeking in the first place.

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