Can God Use My Failures As A Mother For Eternal Value? (A MOB Society Post)

Overcoming Their Parents' Sin


My three sons did it when I was quick to anger because they interrupted “my time” on the computer. They did it when I made a promise to take them to the park, and then went back on my word. And they did it when I succumbed to laziness and their shirt for a club meeting wasn’t washed and ready. They did it over and over and over again.

They overlooked my sin and more than that, they were quick to forgive.

As if that wasn’t convicting enough, they don’t wallow in the aftermath of how my sin affects them. They just move on, lovingly.

There have been times when I wondered if the biggest challenge my sons would overcome in life are my own failures and sin nature as a mother.

To read the rest of this post, click here and finish reading the article at The MOB Society! I'm writing about how we can practically overcome our feelings of failure as moms, and how you can go into each day with HOPE! I pray it encourages you!

YOUR TURN! Do you ever feel like one of the biggest challenges your sons will face is your own sin or failures as a parent? How do you deal with the guilt that you feel in a Biblical way?


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